Sacramental Preparation

Communal Reconciliation Services

The gift of God’s grace always highlights our need for it as we stumble through sin and broken-ness in our lives. Ruptured relationships, dishonesty and selfishness obscure God’s image in us. Personal, one to one confession with the priest offers solace and healing but can seem disconnected from the social ramifications of sin.

In the past thirty years, the Church has offered a venue in which we, as a Christian community, can come to find God’s mercy and forgiveness. Communal penance services provide a liturgical environment in which we hear the Word of God and beautiful healing music as we acknowledge that we have hurt others and stand in need of reconciliation. These celebrations culminate with a time for individual confessions followed by a commonly recited Our Father and offering the sign of peace to each other.

St. Raphael’s parish offers these celebrations at least twice a year, during Advent and Lent. Please check the bulletins or call the office for exact dates.

Communal reconciliation services are most suited to confessing venial (minor) sin. If someone is in the state of grave or serious sin, the Church advises the penitent to avail themselves to individual confession with a priest.

We offer individual confessions on Saturday afternoons from 4:00 - 4:30 PM or by appointment (just call the office and ask for one of the priests).

Contact Person: St. Raphael Parish  (905) 637-2346.


