St. Raphael Roman Catholic Church

Children’s liturgy

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

All children attending mass, from Kindergarten to grade 3 are invited to join the children and their leaders at the 5 pm Sat. mass as well as the  9 am and 11 am Sunday Mass, in the St. Francis room. The Children’s Liturgy is meant to mimic the actually liturgy taking place in the church with age appropriate readings and gospels for the specific Sundays of the year. The children will learn to make up their own prayers as well as participate in art and puzzles pertaining to the readings.

This liturgy also puts on an Advent Party at the beginning of Advent and Christmas pageant for the Children’s mass on Christmas Eve, with music, readings and the re-enactment of the First Christmas.

This ministry has been running since 1975 by volunteers from the parish. This program runs from September to May. Adult and youth volunteers are always welcome. All volunteers will be given a few weeks training and will need to successfully pass our volunteer screening. One or two informal gatherings will be held throughout the year to assess the progress of the program.