Holy Cross Fathers
In 2014, the Holy Cross Fathers began the administration of St. Raphael’s Parish. Prior to this it was served by the Conventual Franciscans.

Pastoral Staff
Co-ordinates and look after the physical, pastoral, and administrative needs of the church, supported by volunteers
Finance Council
The members meet quarterly to advise the pastor in matters pertaining to the finances, budgets, and parish projects

Pastoral Council
The members are invited to collaborate and to consult with the pastor and the parish to develop a Pastoral Plan for the effective administration of the church and its service to all.
Building Committee
The members help to evaluate and assess the safety and structural integrity of the church and rectory building

Social Media
Group help in promoting parish activities through website, etc.
Collection Counters
The teams count the Sunday collection and deposit the funds in the Bank.

Volunteer Screening Program
Maintains the list of Volunteers in following the safety protocol and policy of the Diocese.
Social and Fundraising Programs
Organize community gatherings to raise funds and promote group programs.

Parish Centre
Helps in upkeep of Parish Kitchen and hall rental programs.