Families are invited to join us for a Special Family Mass to celebrate All Saints Day on Friday, November 1. The evening will begin with First Friday Adoration at 6:30pm, mass at 7pm, and finish with the children’s party in the parish hall at 7:30pm. Dress up as your favourite Saint. Enjoy a pizza dinner, […]
Memorial Mass for All Souls. This mass will include a special remembrance for our parishioners who have passed away in the last year. All are welcome to attend.
St Raphael Parish St. Vincent De Paul and Development and Peace are holding a Christmas Bazaar in the Parish Centre on Saturday, November 9, from 9:30am -2:30pm. The St Raphael SSVP and D and P Christmas Bazaar promises to be an opportunity for all of us to begin our Christmas shopping. So spread the word […]
Please be sure to complete your online registration for the Sacraments of 1st Communion, (including 1st Reconciliation) for students in grade 2, and for Confirmation for students in grade 7.
Parents will learn about the importance of the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion on their child’s journey of faith. Children welcome to attend.