St. Raphael Roman Catholic Church

Healing Ministry

At St. Raphael’s, we have a group who bring the Eucharist to hospitalized parishioners at Joseph Brant Hospital every Sunday. They are a liaison with the parish home visiting program.

We ask those who are caring for sick members of our parish family to inform us about their hospitalization, and we will visit them and provide pastoral care.

Please say a prayer for the sick.

In Times of Sickness

All-powerful and ever-living God,
the lasting health
of all who believe in you,
hear us as we ask your loving help
for the sick,
restore their health,
that they may again offer
joyful thanks in your Church.

Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Meetings: As needed.

Contact the parish office at (905) 637-2346 to let us know when a parishioner is in the hospital.