St. Raphael Roman Catholic Church

Pastoral Council

The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is to provide the climate in which parishioners can grow in a deeper relationship with God and each other, and to minister to the total well-being of parish members, be they individuals or families.

Through prayer, study and discernment, the parish council recommends policies, services and support programs to meet the needs of the parish and to reach out to the larger community.

The Parish Pastoral Council encourages and supports parish ministries and identifies and provides for the communal, social, spiritual and educational needs of all of the parishioners.

The responsibilities of the Parish Pastoral Council summarized:

• Offers assistance and advice to the Pastoral team regarding issues affecting the Parish at large
• Invites the guidance of the Holy Spirit prompting our parish forward
• Seeks to discern the needs and concerns of the parish and to hear the concerns of individual parishioners
• Proposes goals and strategies to respond to those needs and concerns
• Seeks to reach out to the larger community of South Burlington to invite, encourage participation and spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.