St. Raphael Roman Catholic Church

Sacramental Life Formation

Children’s liturgy

On Sundays at 11 am Mass, we invite all children to join for faith formation sessions.

Youth Group (12 – 19)

The Teenagers’ group gather to support in the Liturgy and social events meet on 1st Saturdays.

Young Adults

Both married and single young adults meet on 3rd Saturdays for prayer, faith formation and social activities.

Baptism Preparation Team

Works with young couples in preparation for the sacrament and liturgy.

RCIA – Faith Formation

Helps with faith formation of new members and anyone who would like deepen their faith. Sessions on Wednesdays at 7 pm.

First Holy Communion Team

Helps to prepare children and adults for the sacrament. 

Confirmation Team

Assists to prepare candidates for the celebration of the liturgy along with the school community.

Vocation Discernment

Encourages individuals to deepen their call to ministry in the church with Serra and Religious/Diocesan Vocation team

Couples Ministry

Helps couples to deepen the spirituality of their marriage with faith formation and therapeutic sessions. 

Funeral Luncheon Ministry

Helps grieving families by organizing and serving a lunch after the funeral of their loved one.