St. Raphael Roman Catholic Church

Vocation Discernment

Becoming a brother, a sister or a priest?

A calling to religious life is a gift from God offered to the people of God. The priests who have ministered in our parish were called by God and given to this parish for our benefit. We must never take this gift for granted. Just as the continuance of the Faith is passed down from generation to generation through the Sacrament of Marriage, so leadership for God’s Church is passed on from generation to generation by the generosity of people who respond to God’s call to serve God’s people.

We must always pray for vocation to religious life and priesthood. Parents should never discourage a young one who expresses interest to such a calling. In as much as each lay person takes her/his own Christian vocation seriously, young people will be inspired to accept leadership rolls in the Church.

If you want more information about Vocations may we suggest:

or talk to one of our priests.

Contact Person:  Fr. Wilson (905) 637-2346.